Solutions for automotive industry

Portable Emission Monitoring System - PEMS



PEMS was designed for vehicle exhaust gas measurement during the drive. The equipment is exactly corresponding to applicable European standards. The monitored compounds are CO, CO2, NO, NO2, Hydrocarbons (methane / non methane options using FID analyzers) and particles.

Monitorovací systém výfukových plynov

Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEMS)

European legislation requires continuous monitoring of emissions. These are usually SO2, NOX, CO, CO2, O2, particle and flow. Monitoring can be extended to HCl, HF, NH3, TOC, and mercury compounds. The devices must meet the QAL1 certification conditions. CEMS data systems must be reliable, secure and fulfill all the regulatory requirements.

Monitorovanie zloženia plynov a kvapalín

HSE monitoring

  • Toxic gases in indoor air
  • Particles in working area
  • Breath protection mask training tools
  • Monitoring of filters

Clean room monitoring

·   Optical component assembly

·  Engine assembly

·  Painting Cabinets

·  Battery manufacturing

Monitorovací systém výfukových plynov

Monitoring of Flow, Quality and Leak Detection for compressed air and gases

•  Thermal mass flow, differential pressure and vortex sensors for            measurement of flow and consumption
•  Portable leak detector with a camera
•  Portable and stationary dew point meters
•  Residual oil content measurement and particle counters
•  Pressure sensors
•  Software for recording and evaluating data from a wide range of          measured values

Monitorovací systém výfukových plynov

Process Liquids

•  Lubricating emulsions for cutting tools
•  Texturing and etching
•  Oil content in cooling systems
•  Water in lubricant oil

Monitorovací systém výfukových plynov

Battery manufacturing

•  Hydrogen in indoor air
•  Purity of hydrogen and other industrial gases
•  Water in dielectric liquids
•  Particle content in atmosphere
•  Refractometers for liquid content and coolant monitoring


Water quality monitoring

  • Monitoring for optimal WWTP control
  • Effluent from paint shops and other production areas
  • Plant inlet wate from wells and public sources
  • Ultrapure water
  • Samplers for laboratory analysis
  • Flow and level monitoring in pipes and open channels

•  Flow switches
•  Mass flow monitoring
•  On-line size categorization

Ambient air monitoring

• Certified analyzers for monitoring of SO2, NOX, CO, CO2, H2S, TRS      and NH3
• BTEX and VOC analyzers
• Dust aerosol monitors and samplers
• EC / OC analyzers
• Carbon Black analyzers
• Heavy metal content in ambient dust monitors
• Compact multicomponent monitoring stations for SO2, NO, NO2,         CO, CO2, hydrocarbons, dust, noise and meteorology
• Data systems and dispersion modelling

Paint Shop monitoring

• Monitoring of paint material density
• Flow particle content in painting chambers
• Vapors in indoor air
• Organic pollution of the effluent water
• Organic content of the venting air
• Flame detectors for the firing varnish conveyor
